Jan 1, 2012


Unlike my sister, I don't care much about the quality of the photographs I take. As long as I capture the moment, no matter how blurry or badly composed the picture is, I'm happy with the outcome.

That's where this baby comes in

I've wanted the camera ever since I first read about it on some website I stumbled upon back in high school (or was it grade school?). After x long years of not-so-secretly wanting it, I finally got it! Brother and I found it semi-hidden in some store in Hong Kong. 

And of course it had to have the Lego mp3 player displayed beside it

Okay, the specs are nowhere near impressive (nowhere near decent, says my sister), but COME ON, IT IS A LEGO CAMERA. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?


 It comes with a USB cable that functions as a charger and as the thing you use to transfer pictures onto your computer. Look at my baby charge!

I will be using Tiffany (yes, I named the camera after my best friend) often because using something that isn't professional doesn't pressure me as much. Like, if I had my sister's camera, I wouldn't be able to take pictures because I'd be too worried about how the picture would come out and stuff.

Photos taken with the camera will be published in another post! If I don't get too lazy to upload them...

[EDIT: photos have already been uploaded and are in this blog post]


  1. happy that you chose blogger as the new platform
    for your "other blog"!!
    Just followed you :D

    been a fan of your music for 4 years now :)

    as the famous Photographer Chase Jarvis said "the best camera is the one that's with you"

    He actually used this particular lego camera one time :)
    here's a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX76k-chflo

  2. Yeah, I'm trying to take blogging "seriously" now haha. Tumblr's great and all, but it has its limitations. 4 years?? Wow, that's a LONG time! And thanks for linking me to the video. :) I watched it and, damn, now I feel like walking around Manila to take practice shots hahaha

  3. how much did it cost? ;o

  4. When I got it, it was around 800 something HK Dollars? I forgot :(
