Jun 19, 2012

My pen is mightier than your sword.

A couple weeks back, Ral and I both bought Adonit Jot Pro styluses. There are numerous drawing applications available, but we've taken a liking to Paper by FifyThree. Here are some things I drew on Ral's iPad:
Ral during Bloggers' United 3

Aivan (Ral's boothmate) wanted me to draw him.

Sadly, Paper by FiftyThree doesn't have a mobile version
iPhones are hard to draw on 

There's no desktop version of Paper by FiftyThree either. *cue single tear*
Surprisingly, the stylus works with the Macbook trackpad!


Obligatory derp drawing

Note to self: When you want to draw more characters like this, don't draw in class.

Okay fine, I might end up investing in a proper tablet sometime in the future. The stylus' compatibility with the track pad is cool and all, but it does limit your movement which, consequently, will affect your productivity. But if you're the kind who draws for fun and is in no need of proper equipment, the stylus+trackpad/iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch combo is more than enough. :)

Everyone should start drawing or doodling. It soothes the soul. There's no wrong or right way to doodle. Just let the ink flow and your thoughts flow with it. If people can rant through speech and song, you can most definitely rant through colors and lines. Or you could throw paint at the wall or crush crayons onto a canvas. Whatever floats your boat. We all have our own unique ways of expression.

Peace, love, and poke thy neighbor


Last Saturday, instead of having dinner, brother and I ended up in ToyCon. Our priorities are ace.


This guy was the first to welcome us.
He deserves all the awards.

Hit the jump for more pictures and words.

Jun 5, 2012

"Practice makes perfect!"...

...says the one who's skilled enough to attain perfection. Which is also the same person who doesn't and will never exist. Ever. Because humans will never be perfectly skilled in anything because there's always room for improvement and, well, we just aren't wired that way, dammit.

School started a couple of weeks back (for those of you who don't know, I'm finally taking up Music Production in Benilde. Yay!) and I took it upon myself to practice with Logic Pro. I don't even know if what I'm doing is right. So far, I have these two tracks:


Tempo's off in this one. It was meant to be a raw-ish vocals + guitar track (as made evident by the shitty tem- oh wait, my tempo's always shit). But things happened and I ended up having too much fun.


This was initially supposed to be another auto-tune adventure (much like the Banana song), but it seemed too sincere of a song to auto-tune. Does that make sense? I didn't want to "taint" the song with my stupidity. I'm not implying that auto-tuned tracks are stupid, it's more of... the act of me auto-tuning things means I don't take certain songs seriously (POTATO-NA~). But since auto-tuned vocals are cool to some extent, the treatment was used on the back-up vocals.

I figured it'd be easier to practice on covers since the song's already structured a certain way. All you have to worry about is making it your own.

It was fun toying with midi instruments.